Pupil Premium

The Pupil Premium grant is allocated to schools for children of statutory school age:

     • from low income families who are known to be eligible for Free School Meals (FSM)
     • who have been looked after continuously for more than six months
     • whose parents are currently serving in the armed forces

It is very important that all parents who meet the criteria should make an application for FSM even if they do not intend to take up the meals, so that we can access this funding.      

Free School Meals Information

The level of Pupil Premium funding will vary year on year according to the number of children eligible for free school meals.  The  funding received by the school annually is used in a variety of ways in order to improve pupil attainment and to help overcome any barriers to learning.  We have utilised strategies from ‘Narrowing the Gap’ and the Sutton Trust EEF toolkit, that have been researched and analysed extensively, to inform us of the best ways to use this money.

Overarching Pupil Premium Strategy at Horton Grange

At Horton Grange we aim to use the Pupil Premium allocation to support attainment and maximise the children’s potential in terms of learning, raised expectations, experiences and readiness for the challenges ahead. At the heart of this and integral to our approach is an expectation of high-quality, innovative teaching, everyday. Funding aims to maximise staffing capacity so that the most effective teachers work with those who need it the most and this begins at the earliest stage, with early identification of the barriers to learning the children face. Teachers are held accountable for outcomes and there is a culture of reflective practice and open dialogue and monitoring to assess the success and impact of actions. Challenging, aspirational targets and the achievement of these are seen as everyone’s responsibility. We learn together to be the best we can be.

There are 5 Key Principles underlying our strategy

  1. An excellent education and the highest expectations for all, regardless of background or barriers to learning.
  2. The Pupil Premium should support improved attainment, raised expectations and readiness for life and learning.
  3. High quality teaching and learning should be prioritised over intervention. An intervention culture can lead to disadvantaged pupils being seen as ‘someone else responsibility’.
  4. The Pupil Premium should be used to ensure disadvantaged pupils access excellent teaching and learning every day.
  5. The Pupil Premium should address the needs of pupils as early as possible. It should focus on gaps in learning. End of key stage outcomes are a by-product of this approach.


We believe that disadvantaged pupils will benefit from Education at Horton Grange if we: 

  • Get the school culture right
  • Have a whole school approach to improving outcomes for disadvantaged pupils
  • Have high expectations as an entitlement for all
  • A clear understanding of how socio-economic disadvantage
  • Disadvantaged pupils accessing high quality teaching
  • Have effective monitoring and rigorous impact evaluation
  • Have a belief that the highest form of accountability is to the learners in our school


Pupil Premium Planned Spend 2024 - 2027

Pupil Premium Strategy 2020 - 2023 reviewed

Pupil Premium strategy statement September 2021. Reviewed and updated for 2022/2023

Pupil Premium Spend 2022-2023

Pupil Premium Spend 2021-2022

Pupil Premium Planned spend (3 year) 2020-21 with 2020 - 21 review

Pupil Premium Summary impact report 2020 2021