Sport Premium Funding

We believe that physical education, experienced in a safe and supportive environment, is a unique and vital contributor to a pupil's physical development and well-being. At Horton Grange Primary School we believe PE & Sport plays an important role in making the potential for a happy, healthy life in the future a reality; developing successful citizens who can continue to be life-long learners. Attitudes towards healthy active lifestyles begin when children are young and as Primary Schools we are in unique position to be able to shape and mould these attitudes so that children can make informed lifestyle choices in the future.

Click the attachments below to see how much funding Horton Grange has received, how it has been used and how it has impacted.


Sports Funding Plan 2023-24 - Evaluated

Sports Premium Summary Impact Report 2023- 2024 updated

Sports Premium plan 2023 - 2024